Predictive Service Technology

Crescent Heights is humbled by the opportunity to contribute substantial funds to local philanthropic organizations, but our efforts go beyond the monetary gifts. Our team coordinates several charitable endeavors every year. 

We host three annual blood drives, teaming up with neighboring companies to ensure high attendance. Every November we sponsor a food drive event and match our residents’ donations with a monetary gift to the same company; in December we host a toy drive, again with a monetary donation to match; and every year we sponsor a “donation day”, when residents and staff make contributions to local nonprofits and we coordinate the pickup. 

These are just a few minor examples to illustrate the ambition at large – constantly finding ways to improve our home cities. Our team is always enthusiastic about new challenges: playground painting, weed plucking, or youth engagement activities – no task is too big or too small, as we are passionate about enhancing the lives that we touch. 
